Custom Hand Made Tablet Case

This particular case took over 14 months to make with a minimum of 500 hours put into it. No machines were used in any of the case stitching or the cutting of the carbon plates with hand machining only being done to make the brass components. As such because of the extraordinary amount of work involved these cost a minimum of $10,000 per case. These will be designed and made to your specifications. The standard features will include; an all-leather finish inside and out, 3mm carbon fiber core plates for the front, back and spine sections, padding - inside and out, brass corner retainers (or another metal of your choice) or other designs, a flag of your choice or other front casing design (or you can have a plain front), spun Kevlar© thread for the edge stitching only and a shoulder strap unless otherwise agreed. The features that you would like are up to you. The picture of the tablet case you see here and on the home page was custom made with; a pen holder for two pens - one of which has a stylus on one end for use on a tablet screen, a pouch for a spare writing pad, business card slots, an area for the main writing pad that is visible on the right, a zip enclosure, lacquered, solid brass strap retainers and a custom made shoulder pad for the shoulder strap.

Please Contact Me Here for a custom hand made tablet enquiry.

Custom Hand Made Books

The art of bookbinding is something that I started in December of 2009. I wanted to make a special birthday present for someone and delved into it at the deep end. I converted a 40 verse poem that I had written into a book and learnt as I went. The results were quite amazing. It was a steep learning curve to go through as I had to learn new nomencalture (the language of bookbinding with all its technical terms) and a new software program, which at that time was Scribus. I eventually got Quark Express and found it a relief to work in a better desktop environment. Scribus is really not easy to use and I found it quite difficult when laying out the pages for my first book. But I persevered and was amply rewarded. Making books by hand is probably one of the most satisfying things I am able to do. I still love the feel of a book in my hands as opposed to reading something on a computer screen and I am very glad I taught myself this wonderful art. The cost of making a book by hand starts at $399 plus materials for a small size and goes up from there depending on its size, how many pages it will have and materials used. Unless you specify otherwise, all books will be bound in leather according to your preferences on color, type of hide, page designs, etc. The books will be made with a proprietary technique that I have come up with and will be made to last at least a few hundred years.

Please visit my publishing site for more information on a custom made book.

Law Consultant

I have helped quite a few people in diverse situations and have had a 100% success rate so far, even though I am not a lawyer (and never intend to be). I have prevented someone in England from being evicted for non-payment of the bedroom tax (which is no longer in effect), prevented an administrative foreclosure from occurring in Montana, USA, got a credit card debt in the UK down from £18,000 to £0.00, and was one of many who helped prevent the US Presidential election from getting stolen in 2016. The minimum charge for my services in this area starts at $50, for getting rid of a debt collector. Contact me about your situation and I will let you know what I can do. Please make sure to read my terms and conditions about assisting you with 'legal' work. For mortgages my fee is 5% of the value of the mortgage with a $500 deposit and the rest payable in various ways, and agreed upon, after the conclusion of the case. For all other work the minimum fees start at $200. Contact me for further information. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE IT TOO LATE TO DO ANYTHING (as is usually the case). I will not touch any traffic tickets, DUI, or anything traffic related. You will be required to do some simple reading/studying as stated in the terms and conditions.

Please Contact Me Here for legal assistance.

HP (Human Potential) Consultant

Did you know that there are 7 components that make up You? You know about three of them but there are 4 others, 2 of which have only been discovered in the 1990's. Armed with this data you will able to create a much stronger and more rewarding future for yourself and your loved ones. You will have an understanding about yourself and others that you could only dream of. The effects that this knowledge will have on your environment is absolutely astounding. There are different levels of participation according to your own unique circumstances which is why this consulting starts off with an extensive questionnaire which will also include what area you want to focus on. The only limitation that you will have in this adventure is that which you impose on yourself. Prices vary but start at $50 an hour and my job may be just to put you in touch with some of the experts who have assisted me. If I put you in touch with others where you work with them, I will not charge you anything for my time.

Please Contact Me Here for an HP Consultation.

Alternative Health Consultant

I am not licensed in any area of health, yet I am more knowledgeable than most regular doctors about why people get sick and how to get them back into health. I have already been able to assist a family member in getting rid of their bone cancer. But since this area is heavily controlled by the pharmaceutical companies and the AMA (American Medical Association) it is not easy to help people health-wise. Since that is the case I can reveal that the reason people get sick is because of stress and acidification of the body (and acidification of the body allows parasites to flourish which in turn causes most all diseases to appear in the body). An alkaline environment in the body above a pH level of 7.0-7.5 prevents disease from setting in (and a high alkaline environment kills off any parasites that are in the body already). If you really want to have my help in this area the minimum charge is $100 an hour plus any cost for herbs, supplements, ingredients, etc. I can also recommend alternative services or practioners (i.e. for alternatives to mamographies, which cause cancer not eliminate it) if you are looking to go outside the normal channels for a nominal fee of $20. Before you contact me though please read the terms and conditions to do with health. A specialty service that I provide is going through your cupboard with you via an iPad (Facetime), iPhone (Facetime), tablet (Skype) or in person to eliminate all the bad food that you have as your cupboard is full of poisonous foods that you may not be aware of. This service will include telling you which alternatives to get with explanations about why they are not good for you. There is a $250 flate rate for this service.

Please Contact Me Here for a Health Consultation.

Research Consultant

I have spent over 30 years researching an enormous amount of data. The topics I have covered are legion. Recently I have begun to step into the field of what could be called Quantum Physics but is more in line with Noetic Science, though not from a traditional point of view. I have even gone ahead of the curve and discovered and understood things that scientists are only now wrapping their heads around. The field of Noetic Sciences is quite new and Dan Brown touches upon it in his book 'The Lost Symbol'. You can find a defintion of what Noetic Science is here. Not only do I have access to traditional avenues of research, I also have alternative avenues to access information that not even the Institute of Noetic Sciences has. That is the beauty of walking a path without academic constraints - there are no deadlines, no essays, no one feeding you data of how things 'should be' and no one telling you what to do. You go where the research takes you. The skill comes in understanding what you uncover no matter how illogical or strange. Truth really is stranger than fiction in this Universe we live in. Is one corageous enough to take that truth on board though? That is the question. With new data comes an expansion of understanding and a higher awareness of Life and Living.

My research rates run to $50 an hour.

Please Contact Me Here for a Research Consultation.

Computer Consultant

I got my first computer in 1995 and learnt the hard way how to recover from computer crashes. It was by learning how to fix my own computer that I got to be very good at doing things that even Microsoft Certified Engineers couldn't do even though I hold no recognized certifications.

In 1999 I built the world's first computer (a regular desktop 'box') that could run 12 monitors independently of one another for a friend of mine. Mind you, each video card cost over $4,000 and there were 3 of them. These cards were used in a 500MHz Slot 1 Pentium II machine that ran Windows NT4.0. The video cards used were 3 PCI Appian Jeronimo Pro extend length cards that ran 4 monitors each with 8MB of dedicated, on-board Ram for each monitor. Even stock brokers didn't have these in their offices!

I am able to do remote software repairs of computers, website maintenance, custom computer building and anything else computer related. I can walk you through installing hardware into your machine, even if you have never done anything like that before, and also installing Windows onto your hard drive. I can create custom websites, of which this site is one, but I am NOT able to do any advanced website programming (e-commerce websites and database programming) although if you are stuck and have an emergency I am sure I could help you in this area as I have done so with someone else before. I will dissuade anyone from using Wordpress as I refuse to use it myself for various reasons, but if you have a Wordpress site that you are having problems with I will be able to help but my rates for doing things with Wordpress are $90 an hour.

Otherwise my computer consultation/technician rates run to $50 an hour.

Please Contact Me Here for a Computer/Technician Consultation.

Art Consultant

Having sold a lot of high quality oil paintings in America as an art dealer, and being an artist from a very young age, I understand what art is and especially what good art is. There are a lot of misconceptions about what good art is so here is the definition of good art: Technical expertise itself adequate to produce an emotional impact.

In the area of art, especially the performing arts - i.e. singers and actors, there are a lot of people involved that are actually detrimental to the artist's wellbeing. Because artists have the ability to create futures, they are surrounded by anti-social personalities and those who have failed in the art world. Artists exhude a certain Beingness that attract those who leach off of that energy, so without the correct understanding the Artist is at the mercy of those who purport to 'be there for them' which most of the time results in their demise or death.

Because I understand art from an artist's point of view and am aware of the types of people that artists attract, my services are quite varied in this field - from consulting with you about art purchases to vetting those whom one would like to employ for their services. I will even do consulting with you on those whom one would like to choose as acquaintances, friends, life partners or business associates.

The costs for these services vary but start at $90 an hour.

"A civilization is only as good as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by Artists."

Please Contact Me Here for an Art Consultation.